Simple Tips,Make Its Easy For You

on Sunday, June 08, 2008

Today just simple tips from me..

Instantly open a new e mail windows by double clicking on the empty background of an e mail folder such as the inbox.

Acrobat Reader
Hold down [Ctrl] + [space bar] to zoom in on your pdf document and [Ctrl] + [Alt] +[space bar] to zoom out.

Paintshop Pro
Using the shortcut combination of [Crtl]+[Shift]+[Z],you can open up a list of all the possible steps you can take for the 'cancel' function.

You can determine effective interest with 'EFFECTIVE' (Nominal interest,period) where'period' refers to the number of interest periods per annum.

In ' View' mode,you can activate the mouse cursor to use in editing text by clicking on the magnifying glass symbol in the symbol toolbar.

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